Bonsai Garden


It is an art of growing plants in a natural look of old age and involves various dwarfing techniques. The size of a bonsai is in the range of 30 to 60 cm in height, and it needs some special types of containers.

Bonsai gardening is considered an art of horticulture involving training and growth of tiny plants, which will be termed as the bonsai trees. Growing bonsai plants makes and trains your mind to calm.

Display your bonsai trees in a way that showcases their unique beauty and individual character. Consider grouping trees of similar styles and sizes, or displaying individual trees on stands or shelves that highlight their unique features.


Creating a beautiful bonsai garden requires patience, care, and attention to detail. With these tips, you can create a stunning and healthy bonsai garden that will bring joy and beauty to your home or garden.

Styles of Bonsai

Informal Upright: This style can be achieved by using cords or wires. It is
characterized by a light curving trunk.

Formal Upright: In this style, the trunk is perfectly straight. It contains the
branches that are alternate left to right.

Broom: This style consists of a straight trunk, and that divides into many

Windblown: This type of bonsai is very rare in nature. It is found on mountains
or cliffs. In this, the twigs and branches are trained only in a single direction.

Slanting: Slanting trunk is highly pronounced. The branches of it lie slightly
downward and horizontal.